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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Magic Speed reading is not magic !!!

Hello there!

I have not heard back from you as yet about your speed
reading program (see question below!), so I am sending
this again, just in case it did not get through to you the
first time I sent it...on August 15th., 2004 []

My name is ... and I live in Melbourne, Australia!

I was "surfing the internet" for information on "speed
reading" and came across your software and then your

Firstly I want to thank you for offering FREE speed reading
software to us all...that is very generous of you I believe!

I know that your free software program will help me read
much faster while I am on the computer, but I mainly want
be able to read books much faster, so my question here

Will using your "computer based" software program
actually speed up my reading of printed books?

Kind Regards: DAVID.



My name is Serge Mikhailov I live in Russia, Khabarovsk.

The software can help you. But only you can teach yourself for speed reading.

Speed reading is the next:

-        Reading without vocalization

-        Reading groups of words

-        Reading interesting information.

-        Reading with utilize information.


My games show how the man read the text. Try to understand basic ideas and your speed will up.

> Will using your "computer based" software program actually speed up my reading of printed books?

You can speed read printed book right now! Try to read groups of words. Try to read interesting books.



Do you say about site design?

I can give you an templates for site. It will make your design simply.
Every new page I prepare for one minute. Redesign of whole site is one minute business to.
I do not like pictures and frames. The search engine does not understand pictures. Search engines do not like frames.

Try to put  in to your site my files. Ok. I made for my self but you can redesign it.
What is url of your site?

Pay attention to this string
<link href="gif/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<!--#include file="bordera.html"-->

<link href="gif/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
This string in to .html file is style. Search more information about styles in to google.com

<!--#include file="bordera.html"-->
This string include the file bordera.html when user view it.

This may not work on your computer. You need to download it in to your site.

I use this method for my sites www.ababasoft.com , www.flashmusic.com ets.

About my Inernet business

I do business on free flash games www.ababasoft.com . I invent new games and place it in to my site. Then I promote the pages with these games. When user comes to the page they click advertisement and I receive money.

I have a strongly technology for Internet promotion.

For Internet success the site need to contain a lot of good texts and 10000 income links. I have some problem in writing English text. The speed of writing is too slowly.

So I search for cooperation with anyone.
I can exchange games to texts.
I can exchange promotion to texts.

have any ideas?

> I am willing to help out if you wish.

Yes! Let to try. Please describe your project. Is this your hobby or your business? How can we use win to win strategy?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Music games

 I Redesign the www.flshmusicgames.com . Previous design was like this www.ababasoft.com/music/

Maybe you know good online music games. I find new idea.

Can you continue the next list?

  • Drum, piano, guitar machines
  • Rhythm
  • Eye trainings
  • Music quiz
  • Music theory
  • Music for kids

What else?

About Me

My photo
Горячий Ключ, Краснодарский край, Russia
Создаю проекты в Интернете, затем их продвигаю в Интернете. Пишу книжки. На сегодня издал 4 бумажные книжки. В процессе издания одна книга и в процессе переиздания еще одна. Программирую на Флеше, Дельфи и ПХП. Занимаюсь СЕО своих проектов.